SOUTHMOD Online Training

SOUTHMOD Online Training

Welcome to the SOUTHMOD Online Training Course, an introductory open-access course on tax-benefit microsimulation models in Global South country contexts. The training is targeted at those interested in using existing models in the SOUTHMOD model family, which comprises models for Latin American, African, and Asian countries. No prior knowledge of microsimulation is required; the course is intended for users who are new to microsimulation, although it also allows intermediate users to refresh their knowledge.

Course structure and training certificate

The course includes 10 modules with video classes, modelling exercises, and multiple-choice questions. After watching the videos and completing the exercises, you will earn a SOUTHMOD training certificate to indicate that you have completed the course. To complete the modelling exercises, you will need to download the latest version of the EUROMOD software (freely available online) and DEVMOD, the training model used in the course (available from this link). DEVMOD resembles existing SOUTHMOD models in its contents but relies on fully synthetic data and policies.

Course objectives

  • Introduce the participants to tax-benefit modelling in Global South country contexts, including key concepts, common uses, caveats and challenges, and aspects of the models that are unique to lower and middle-income countries

  • Introduce users to the SOUTHMOD project and the SOUTHMOD model bundle

  • Instruct users on how to install the EUROMOD software and run SOUTHMOD models on it, demonstrating this using the training model

  • Show how to implement tax and benefit policies, model policy reforms, and analyse model outputs

  • Provide users with links to complementary materials

  • Allow intermediate users and participants of past training workshops to refresh their knowledge about tax-benefit microsimulation modelling

Getting started

To get started, create an account to enroll, log in to the course, and then click on CLASS 1 below to watch the first video.

Access to the training model

  • EUROMOD, the modelling software maintained by JRC (click on 'EUROMOD installer', download, and install on your PC)
  • DEVMOD, the training model used in the course (download, unzip, store the folder on your PC, and follow the instructions below to open the model in EUROMOD)

Opening and running the training model

  • Open the EUROMOD software installed on your Windows PC
  • Navigate to the file menu on the top-left corner of the user interface and click on 'Open Project'
  • Click on the yellow folder in the pop-menu, navigate to the folder 'DEVMOD v1.0' on your computer, and click 'OK'
  • Click on the 'DV' icon at the top of the user interface ('Countries' tab) to open the model
  • Click on 'Run SOUTHMOD' at the top of the user interface ('Countries' tab) to run the model
  • Select the systems you want to run and click on 'Run'

These steps are covered in detail in Class 4, along with analysis of model output.

Note that a Windows PC is required to install EUROMOD and take the course.

Model-related materials

When you have completed all 10 classes, click on 'See result' below and then 'Download certificate'.




Around 8 hours